Bible Passage: Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-7; 17:1-22
Memory Verse: Isaiah 40:28

Bible Verse: Genesis 12:2
Bible TruthGod made a promise to Abraham, and God always keeps His promises.

Lesson Introduction:
This week, we are going to learn about how God always keeps His promises!

This is a game. What kind of game do you think this is? How do you think you play it? This game is a game of speed—you try to get all seven of your pieces off the board before the person you are playing against gets their pieces off the board. This game was found in the town of Ur. Has anyone heard of the town of Ur? Today we will learn about a man who was from Ur. His name was Abraham. The places we read about in the Bible were real. Ur was a real place with people that played games just like we do! Abraham’s father had moved Abraham and his family to the city of Haran. Then one day God came to talk to Abraham. Let’s look at Abraham’s story.

Watch Joel’s video, and then continue below!

Discuss these questions together as a family:

Where was Joel in today’s video?
What is your favorite fall activity?
Who joined him in his camping adventure?
Could you count all the stars in the sky?
Who had a plan for Abraham?
Who has a plan for you?

Read Genesis 12:1-3 as a family. To whom was God talking? (Abram, or Abraham) What promise did God make to Abram in verses 2 and 3? (God would bless him, make his family into a great nation, and bless all the people of earth through him) Read Genesis 12:4-9. What did Abram do when God asked him to move? (he did what God asked him to do) Did Abram know what would happen when he left?” (no) How old was Abram when God told him to move? (75 years old) Read Genesis 15:2-6. What promise did God give to Abram? (his offspring would be more numerous than the stars in the sky) How did Abram respond? (he believed God) Read Genesis 17:1-8. How old was Abraham when God changed his name? (99 years old) How many years had it been since God asked Abraham to move? (24 years) Was God going to fulfill His promise to Abraham? (yes) God had made a promise to Abraham when Abraham was 75 years old. Even though it took some time did God forget about His promise to Abraham? (no) God told Abraham that the whole earth would be blessed through Abraham and God meant it.

Use these questions for more Bible study together as a family!

  1. What did God tell Abraham to leave? (His land, relatives, and father’s house, Genesis 12:1)
  2. What did God promise Abraham? (To make him a great nation, to bless him, and to make his name great, Genesis 12:2)
  3. How old was Abraham when he, Sarah, and Lot left for Canaan? (75, Genesis 12:4)
  4. To what did God compare the number of Abraham’s descendants? (The stars, Genesis 15:5)
  5. How old was Abraham when God changed his name? (99, Genesis 17:1-5)
  6. Who else's name did God change in today's Bible story? (Sarah, Genesis 17:15)
  7. What did God promise Abraham and Sarah? (A son, Genesis 17:16)
  8. What did God say would come from Sarah’s descendants? (Nations and kings, Genesis 17:16)
  9. How did Abraham react to the news that he and Sarah would have a baby? (He laughed, Genesis 17:17)
  10. What did God tell them to name their son? (Isaac, Genesis 17:19)

Use the bible story picture to engage your child as you tell them the story about God’s promise to Abraham!


Focus in on these Bible Story Nuggets as you are telling the story:

God made people.

The people lived in a beautiful garden.

God told the people what to do.

The people did not obey God.


What did God tell Abraham to do?

What did God promise Abraham?

Remind your child the God always keeps His promises!