This will be a private site where we will store and share content with those who serve as Ambassadors.

Welcome to Ambassador Team

This section is for new volunteers. You will find helpful information for setting yourself up in our scheduling system called Planning Center Services. 

Ambassador 2024/2025 Calendars

Click here to see all teams and the weeks they are serving

2024 Ambassador Thank You BBQ

On Saturday, September 14th, we held a thank you BBQ for the Ambassador Team. The button below will bring you to the page containing photos from that day.

Medical Team Update

Please click on the button below to find information specific to the Medical Team. You will find videos showing the contents of the medical bags, our current procedures and guidelines for serving on the Medical Team

Connections Team Messages

Please click on the button below to see videos and information specific to the Connection Team.

Important changes to Connections

These three videos have been recorded to highlight some key changes we have made to the Connection Desk process. Please watch all three videos for details. If you have any questions, please contact Miguel.

New First Time Guest Kits

Each week we have a number of people coming to visit Living Faith for the first time. I truly believe that no one comes to church by accident. They are all seeking something: peace, purpose, fellowship or to know more about Jesus. Watch this video to get a review of the contents of the kit we will be providing to First Time Guests. These kits will be available at the Connection Desk and should be handed out to anyone who visits LFCC for the very first time. 

New Followers of Christ Kits

We have been blessed as a church to see so many make the decision to follow Christ. The challenge they face is understanding what to do next to grow their faith. So in addition to providing them with a Bible, we are making available kits with content that will provide some guidance on how to live as a Christian. These kits will be located at the Connection Desk along with Bibles. If you are blessed with the opportunity to pray with someone, I ask if you would be willing to make an additional investment and walk alongside them. Offer to stay connected and do the study with them. Meet them and sit with them at church. Be available to answer any question they may have. Be a blessing to them just as someone was to you.