At Living Faith, it is our mission to reach people across Long Island and guide them to live as disciples for the glory of God.

We believe serving is a vital part of the discipleship journey. When you serve, you help reach people for Christ, you make a significant impact in the community, you build friendships, and you have fun! Take the first step by reading through some options below to help you know what areas you are excited or interested in, then complete the serve form. Our staff would love to speak with you further and help you find the right fit for you. Finding a place of ministry that you are passionate about and gifted in will be most fulfilling for everyone!

Please fill out the form and let us know how you can help!


These are the teams who provide both a welcome and help for those attending Sunday morning service. Parking attendants ensure a safe flow of traffic, greeter welcome at the door, ushers provide seating assistance, A medical team steps in during emergencies, and the Connecter Center team assists attenders who have questions. 


Care Team Members reach out and care for Living Faith church family dealing with health concerns through a number of ways: phone calls, cards, visits, and prayer. The Food Box ministry helps feed LFCC families in need each month.


The Living Faith Children's Ministry impacts little ones from birth through grade 5. Whether it is serving once a month in Children's Ministry on Sunday mornings or weekly at one of the girls and boys' evening program, volunteers are always needed!


Student Ministry reaches teens in grades 6-12. Youth leaders have the opportunity to shape and teach the next generation. If you love a fast pace and want to make a difference in the lives of teens, consider serving here.


Each week volunteers come in to the church office to assist with a variety of projects. If you are available during daytime hours, this may be a great place for you to serve!


Use your creative skills to volunteer doing art, design, photography, video or writing!


Hospitality refers to the team of individuals who assist at events throughout the year. The times and days of the week vary so you can choose events that best fit your schedule. This is a great way to meet to new people, both on your team as you serve, and as you connect with people at the event!


Outreach events offer an opportunity to impact the larger community around us. Missions includes both local and global opportunities to take the love of Christ to others.


Worship Ministry refers to all aspects of worship that happen on Sunday mornings and at special services. Opportunities for serving range from singing in the worship band to working as part of the tech team. These are great places to use your technical or musical gifts and abilities. Some aspects of the worship ministry require auditions.