2024 ABBA Ministries Backpack Drive

I am so overjoyed to be a part of a church that has a heart for meeting needs. At the beginning of August, welaunched a campaign to collect donations of new backpacks filled with school supplies. Last year we collected around 200 backpacks. This year we collected 242 backpacks to be donated to ABBBA Ministries in Hempstead! Praise the Lord!

ABBA Ministries is now entering into their 19th year of providing backpacks filled with school supplies for less fortunate students in Hempstead and its surrounding neighbors. 68% of children in the Hempstead School District are considered “economically disadvantaged.”
In addiition to providing the backpacks, we also sent over 30 volunteers to help to hand them out to the children who registered. There were close to 600 children registered and the Lord provided as ABBA was able to collect 600 backpacks and our volunteers were there to greet each child with a smile and a backpack. Since the Lord has also called us to go and be witnesses and share the Good News, we had a tent set up with bibles, tracts and offers for prayer. We prayed with several people and families all for the glory of God. Plwease take a look at the photos and videos shaered below.

Video recap from Miguel Vasquez

Listen to Miguel Vasquez, Director of Prayer and Outreach share a live video from the Backpack Drive location with an encouraging message to LFCC congregation.

Photo Collection

Browse the collection of photos taken the day of the distribution of backpacks.