What to know about our Children’s Ministry

What: Our children’s ministry provides opportunities where your children are loved unconditionally, protected uncompromisingly, and taught Bible truths creatively. We use a rotation model format so each Sunday your children can learn the Bible story in a new and exciting way. This is through the use of videos, dynamic teaching, arts and crafts, and a variety of fun activities designed to further the Bible message. We desire for children to learn God’s word and develop a deep, personal relationship with Jesus.

When: Each Sunday at both 9am and 11am services

Who: Children ages birth-5th grade.

Where: Children ages birth-K are in our Kid’s Cove on the lower level. Children ages 1st-5th grade are in Fellowship Hall located on the main floor by the front door entrance.

Buddy Ministry: Did you know we have a Buddy Ministry to assist children with special needs during Sunday School? The ministry is in need of more volunteers. No experience needed! All you need is a heart to work with these beautiful children.
Email our Children’s Ministry Director, Suzanne Garcia, at for more information.

Bible Time!

9am & 11am services, grades PreK-5th Grade
Bible Time! Is our Sunday School curriculum for children in PreK through 5th grade. We use a rotation model format, which means each Sunday your child will be in a different “rotation”. Our rotation schedule will always be posted outside the fellowship hall if you are interested to see what rotation your child is in for the month.

The Year at a Glance- The Fruit of the Spirit
This year your children will be learning about the fruits of the spirit. We encourage you to ask your children about what they have learned and to help them memorize their monthly Bible verse.

Faith and Family Calendar 
Each month we provide a calendar filled with faith-based activities for you to do with your children at home. Pick up your monthly calendar at either the Kid’s Cove check-in desk or the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings!

All volunteers who work with the children have been through our Safe Environment process.

What does this mean? They have all been through training on proper procedure and best practices with a focus on abuse: how to avoid it, what to look for and how to report any suspicion. There is an application and three references required as well as a background check performed. All of these steps must be completed before they are allowed to serve with the children. We want parents to always feel confident that the best care is given to their children and for children to always feel safe.

We present Bible teaching in a creative way!

This is through the use of videos, dynamic teaching and a variety of fun activities designed to further the Bible message. We desire for children to learn God’s word and develop a deep, personal relationship with Jesus.

We know that children learn through play.

We strive to make all of our programs a fun place for children to connect with God and each other. We create fun, dynamic environments for children to explore and discover who God is and how He loves them.

Learn more about Child Dedication

At Living Faith, we believe parents have a sacred trust to do all they can to live as a godly example and see their children become disciples of Jesus Christ.