Hearing From God: When Life's Not Going as Planned

Jan 14, 2024    Pastor Scott Lothery

Today’s passage, Malachi 1:6-14, has the message from God we need to hear when life is not going as planned.


It contains 3 instructions for us.

* 3 implicit commands about what to do when life’s not going as planned.

* These 3 will give us direction, but also provide us power.


1.  Don’t become callous about sin – You have put your faith in Christ. You are doing your best to live for him. Some part of your life is not going as planned. 

2.  Fight against church fatigue – You have put your faith in Christ & are trying to live for him.  Some part of your life is not going as planned. 

3.  Reorient your life around God’s plan for you in Jesus Christ – Life doesn’t go as we plan, but God does have a plan for this life.